Liability Waivers Policy

Liability Waiver and Business Policies Of JODY MARSHALL DANCE COMPANY


By registering to attend any Jody Marshall Dance Company classes you agreed to the Release of Liability Agreement:

  • I am participating in classes, offered by Jody Marshall Dance Company whether online or in person. I recognise that dance classes requires physical exertion that may be strenuous and may cause physical injury, and I am fully aware of the risks
  • I understand that it is my responsibility to consult with a physician prior to and regarding my participation in the Classes. I represent and warrant that I am physically fit and I have no medical condition that would prevent my participation in the
  • I understand that it is my responsibility to advise the instructor of any injuries or if I am pregnant so the instructor can provide suitable modifications where required.
  • In consideration of being permitted to participate in Classes, I agree to assume full responsibility for any risks, injuries or damages, known or unknown, which I might incur as a result of participating in the
  • In further consideration of being permitted to participate in Classes, I knowingly, voluntarily and expressly waive any claim I may have against the owners, instructors, and assistants, individually or otherwise, of Jody Marshall Dance Company for damages, and injury that I may sustain as a result of participating in
  • I, my heirs or legal representatives forever release, waive, discharge and covenant not to sue Jody Marshall Dance Company for injury or death caused by their negligence or other
  • I will not hold responsible/sue Jody Marshall Dance Company, instructors or employees for any injuries suffered by me caused whole or in part by my failure to follow the instructions of you or your employees or by any physical impairment of mine not fully disclosed to you in
  • I authorise Jody Marshall Dance Company, through its staff and personnel, to obtain, consent to and authorise emergency medical care or treatment in the event that such care is necessary or appropriate in the opinion of the staff and personnel for the benefit of a student due to accident, injury or illness. Jody Marshall Dance Company will only exercise such consent and authorisation for medical care or treatment in the absence of a student's parent/guardian and only if it is unable to reach a student's parent/guardian within a reasonable period of time given the circumstances of the Parents/guardians will be responsible for making payment of all costs of any such medial care or treatment directly to the hospital, physician or facility providing such care.
  • Students are required to show respect to their instructors and other
  • Students are required to only offer advice in class or on the dance floor when directly
  • Students are required to respect the studio property and
  • Students should try to attend all classes, punctually and as a courtesy, apologise when interrupting a class and to advise teachers (in advance when possible) if they will be absent from a
  • Students must not leave class without permission from the
  • Students must not enter the canteen unless
  • Mobile phones are not to come into class unless needed in private lessons for
  • Students are required to revise and practice when preparing for performances, and enrol in the classes as agreed upon for the performances and
  • Students are required to moderate their language, conversation and behaviour when they are representing the studio.
  • Students are required to clean up after themselves and maintain clean studios and
  • Students are required to be respectful when other classes are taking
  • Students are expected to always present themselves in a neat and tidy manner adhering to studio dress
  • Students are required to use proper deodorant. Students who perspire excessively should keep a personal hand towel on hand and/or change of
  • Lost Property will be kept at the studio for one month
  • Jody Marshall Dance Company does not accept any liability for the loss of personal items. Please keep valuable items at

** Please note watches, whether they are electronic or otherwise are not permitted to be worn in class


Jody Marshall Dance Company is committed to providing safe, exciting and educational classes for each of our students. We believe that ethics - moral principles, standard practices, and etiquette are important elements in the dance world and should be part of a dancer's education. In order to provide a safe and uplifting environment for everyone, we ask that instructors, parents and students follow the studio's code of conduct. It takes everyone's help to create a positive learning experience. Thank you in advance for working together.


Every student is expected to behave in a disciplined, responsible and courteous manner when on studio grounds, and when participating in studio activities and performances, as well as dress appropriately and neatly for class. Any use of drugs, alcohol or tobacco products will not be tolerated on studio grounds. The Director reserves the right to suspend or expel any student at any time if his or her attitude, conduct, language, appearance, attendance, payment record or the like is judged unsatisfactory. Any consistently disruptive or inappropriate conduct or behavior will be grounds for dismissal at the discretion of the Director. In the event of a dismissal, all tuition and/or other monies paid to Jody Marshall Dance Company on behalf of a discharged student will be forfeited. Parents/Guardians also must respect the rules, policies and procedures of Jody Marshall Dance Company and abide by driving slow and cautious around the building, parking only in designated parking spaces, and refraining from any rude or aggressive behavior toward any other Jody Marshall Dance Company student, family member or staff member. Any and all incidents should be reported immediately to the Director.


When enrolling, you are subject to the following terms, conditions and policies. These can be updated from time to time. Make sure you read the terms and conditions before purchasing your classes.

  • Enrolment must be completed at the beginning of each calendar Registrations must be completed for each individual student and invoices are issued on an individual basis. Invoices are issued via Terms, being 4 Terms within a year.
  • Please note all transactions are listed in Australian Dollars (AUD).

Invoices are emailed at the commencement or up to 4 weeks prior to the commencement of term, Full payment of invoice is due within 14 days of issue of invoice unless payment plan is arranged and approved (proposed payment plan must be made in writing to

If changes are needed to be made to the invoice these must be made in writing to within 7 days of issue of invoice.

Late payment can incur a 10% late payment fee.

Non-payment may mean the inability to continue attending classes or to reenrol the following year, as well as withholding costumes or tickets until accounts have been paid in full. If after attempts are made by the studio to collect fees but they have not been received in part or full, Jody Marshall Dance Company have the right to pass on any relevant information to debt collectors.

  • Trial classes can be taken at a fee of $20.00, this amount will then be deducted from the years registration fee if the student goes on to
  • Casual classes can be taken in some senior classes at a cost of $20.00 per class.
  • Enrolment allows access to group classes as specified by Jody Marshall Dance This access changes from term to term. It does not cover other events/classes such as private lessons, stage rehearsals, dress rehearsals, mock exams, added competition rehearsals, performances, concerts etc
  • Enrolment of new students will always be at owners' discretion and may be limited due to class numbers and work being taught in individual classes.
  • In the rare event that a class is cancelled every endeavour will be made for a makeup class to be given however if this cannot be done or the student cannot attend the makeup class, refunds and credits do not need to be issued and decision will be at the owners'
  • Jody Marshall Dance Company reserves the right to transfer any class or program to 100% ZOOM instruction if they see fit for reasons beyond its control, including, but not limited to, concerns or restrictions relating to the coronavirus. In the event of any such transfer, no monies will be refunded and no discounts or transfers of tuition will be given. By registering for classes, families agree to provide a designated area for their child(ren) to take classes remotely from their home in the event that the decision is made to transfer any class or program to ZOOM ins In addition, families understand and agree to accept a modified schedule via ZOOM if this situation arises. The modified ZOOM schedule will be well thought out in the best interest of the students and faculty.

Discounts and Capping are given dependent on:

  • How many classes are attended in a week;
  • How many students from the same family are attending;
  • Capping discounts differ depending on age

*** Not all classes are included under the capping


  • There will be no guaranteed supervision other than when the dancers are in the class with their
  • Numbers are restricted, and classes are filled on a first come first served

Duration of classes may differ.

Duration of classes may need to alter, every effort will be made to contact parents on any changes.

Please arrive 10 minutes before the first class, you will have to complete an enrolment form if you haven't already done so.

If you miss 4 consecutive classes, you'll be automatically removed from the attendance list. Reenrolment will be at owners discretion and a $5.00 administration fee will apply.

If you miss 4 or more classes during the term of exam or competition work, you may not be able to sit the exam or compete in performances.

Some classes attract smaller numbers. If your chosen class does not have enough students, it will be cancelled, and you will be informed.

Cancellation Policy

When enrolling, you are subject to the following terms, conditions and policies. These can be updated from time to time. Make sure you read the terms and conditions before purchasing your classes.

Cancellation of enrolment must be made in writing to failure to do so may result in further charges being issued.

Change of mind - Contact us within 7 days of invoice and before payment is made. We can reissue a new invoice however we cannot offer you a refund/credit on classes if payment has already been made.

Non-attendance - If you miss a class, whether it's due to sickness, holidays or a prior commitment, unfortunately we are not in a position to offer makeup classes or offer transfer of credit to another Term. Acceptations may be if a student is unable to attend classes for an extended period of time due to injury (a medical certificate may be required) or another unforeseen circumstance. In this case we will require in writing an explanation to as well as a verbal discussion with Jody Luplau to be had either via phone or in person. The outcome will be determined on a case by case basis and is at the owners discretion.


The privacy of your personal information is very important to Jody Marshall Dance Company. We will not sell, rent or trade your personal information to any third party. We will take special care to protect the privacy and security of your information at all times. This policy explains our information practices and the way that Jody Marshall Dance Company collects and uses your information. This Privacy Policy covers the information you provide to us offline and electronically.


When you register for classes at Jody Marshall Dance Company, we collect contact information such as guardian names, addresses, phone numbers, emergency contacts, e-mail address and student information such as student names, birthdays, medical conditions, correspondence and your comments. This information is needed to manage studio business and will not be used or sold for any other purpose, except as described below.


Jody Marshall Dance Company office/administration personnel have access to your personal information only to manage the studio business.

Jody Marshall Dance Company will access your personal information and/or share it with third parties only for the following purposes : (i) as needed for studio business; (ii) if required to do so by law or to comply with legal process; or (iii) to protect the rights, property, or personal safety of the public.

If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy or if you wish to update or remove any of your personal information, please contact the office.


Our preferred forms of communication are email and text message. We will endeavour to always keep families up to date via these forums. Please also request to join the following 2 Facebook groups as all information is also posted here:

JMDC Mums, Dads and Students




Jody Marshall Dance Company may take images(photographs and/or videos) of enrolled students and families that may be used to document activities of Jody Marshall Dance Company. These images may be used in promotional materials, social media accounts and websites of Jody Marshall Dance Company. All images are for the exclusive use of Jody Mar shall Dance Company and are property of same. If any parent or guardian does not want their or their child's image used. they must notify and inform the office via email at the time of registration.

Download JMDC Liability Waivers policy in pdf from here